Local Authorities


We welcome referrals from all Local Authorities for planned and emergency placement requests. All referrals will be reviewed by our Directors, Nikki and Charlie as well as our RSM, Lorca.

Referrals should include as much information as possible about the young person- their background, circumstances, individual needs and locality requirements. In the event we require more information we will work closely with the referrer in ensuring all relevant information is shared so that a thorough risk assessment and matching procedure can be conducted.

We pride ourselves on our in-depth and thorough matching process in ascertaining if our home is suitable and can meet the needs of the individual. In addition, this process also considers the welfare and safeguarding needs of other young people within our home. Our experience has taught us that thorough matching is most likely to result in good outcomes for all young people.

In the event we feel we cannot meet the needs of the young person we will fully outline the reasons to the referrer.

If we can meet the young person’s needs, we will warmly welcome them along with their Social Worker/PA/Family member/friend to come and visit us. It’s a great opportunity for them to have a look around at the facilities and meet staff and/or other young people. It’s important to us that young people feel empowered during this process and are actively involved in decisions made about their future. The young person’s voice is paramount and dependent upon a successful transition into supported accommodation.

Upon a placement being agreed, we carefully plan the young person’s move, ensuring they receive a friendly, warm and welcoming arrival. We provide brand new bedding and towels, and each young person will have their own welcome pack which includes personal hygiene items.

In our shared accommodation, we often plan a welcome meal, as chosen by the young person but we fully understand not every young person wants this.

Referrals should be sent to:


Nominated Individual/ Director: Charlie Raisborough

DSL Director: Nikki Webb 


Planned Placement

The Registered Service Manager (RSM) will have discussions with relevant external agencies such as Health, Education or the Police to gather relevant information. They will also arrange a pre-placement planning meeting, which can be held in person at the home or remotely via Microsoft Teams. This meeting should encompass the young person, key professionals accountable for their care and well-being, and when suitable, family members or relatives.

At the time of the Placement commencing a Care Plan and Placement Plan should be in place.  The Care Plan should demonstrate that the young person’s needs will be met by the proposed placement. This should be completed before the young person becomes looked after, or within 10 working days of the young person’s placement.

The home should be provided with a current chronology and other vital documents such as Looked After Review reports, Pathway Plans, Personal Education Plans, Risk Assessments, Court Orders, Safety Plans, and any specialist reports.

The RSM is responsible for drawing up a Placement Plan. This will outline how the home will work with the young person to achieve the outcomes of the young person’s care plan. When considering the making of a placement, the social worker should consult the RSM to ensure proper arrangements are in place for the young person to have contact with his/her family and significant others; particularly when the young person is placed at a distance away from their family home.  The young person should be involved in this planning process.

The RSM will complete a suitability assessment for each individual considering any associated risks and the impact on any other young people currently placed at the home.  Following this assessment, a placement proposal will be extended to the placing authority.